Taking group coaching to a soul-centered place, bringing women together to support each other on their healing journeys.
Join the Waitlist

Women’s Healing Circles offer support, connection, and a safe space to be heard for all women.

A twice a month women’s circle, bringing women together to share, be vulnerable and connect on a deeper level.

Each circle begins with sharing anything you’re processing/going through, the second half is a mental/emotional health topic with different exercises to facilitate lasting change and growth. 

(Neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ friendly)  

* FSA / HSA Health Savings Plans Cards can be used as payment.*

My Education & Certifications

Bachelors of Science University of Central Florida

MBA Rollins College

Certified Holistic Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Herbalism Certification from Florida School of Holistic Living

Certified Group Fascilitator 

Certified Trauma Professional (CCTP)

Somatic Therapy for Trauma Treatment Certification

Healing from Sexual Trauma Certification

Ramani Durvasala Narcissistic Abuse Certificate

Tian Dayton Relational Trauma Treatment Certificate

Janina Fisher’s Trauma Treatment Certification (ongoing) 

Denver, Co Women's Circles

1005 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204

Subscription: Two, 2 hour sessions per month + community event

Community events bring all the ladies of Women’s Healing Circles together in a fun, relaxed, social setting. This month’s community event is a Slumber Party. Circle Subscription required.

Upcoming Topics: Rewriting Narratives, Trauma Responses, Authenticity, Shadow Work, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love

*1 spot available for Tuesdays – 4/30 and 5/15*

Hi, I’m Danielle

Women’s Circles transformed my life and created a place of support and nurturing through some of my hardest years.  I felt called to share this experience with other women, to bring them together and to help rewrite their stories of sisterhood, to strengthen the bonds, foster connection, and to help facilitate self-acceptance through acceptance of each other.

I have been blessed over the past four years being introduced to so many beautiful humans: getting to hear their stories, share their pain, and understand compassion and empathy in a whole new way.  

Women inspire me: their strength, their compassion and understanding, their intuition, their wisdom, their love.  

Women are stronger together.  When we come together, we learn we’re not alone. The stories and wounds we carry around other women can be dissolved. We share similar fears, insecurities, and (unfortunately) traumas.  By coming together, leaning on each other, and supporting each other we begin to rewrite the stories we have around other women.  

Women are meant to thrive. They are meant to be empowered, intuitive, and passionate. Through rewriting narratives and beliefs, and growing self-confidence, self-worth and self-love, we can transform the world.









“Danielle has provided an encouraging and compassionate space to speak my truth without judgement or criticism.”

I joined this group to heal and grow myself after a breakup. I had done one on one counseling before but found that it lacked the connection I was looking for. Joining the Healing Circles, Danielle has provided an encouraging and compassionate space to speak my truth without judgement or criticism. You can tell she has a passion for what she does by the amount of planning and effort that goes into each session. One of my favourite parts of our healing groups is the time to share our weeks at the beginning of the session and then being sent off with “homework” at the end. These activities make me feel supported while also reminding me that the power to change is in my hands.





Frequently Asked Questions


We begin Circle with sharing. Everyone is given the opportunity to share about anything their processing, feeling, or experiencing. It can be a wide range of celebrations, achievements, challenges, trauma, etc. We hold space in the Circle for each person to share. Comments are withheld to foster safety and trust. Validation, advice, or questions are upon request.


Sharing usually takes the first hour. After everyone has shared, we move on to the prepared topic. Topics are around mental, emotional, and spiritual health. They are part teaching, part interactive. There are a wide range of exercises, from journal prompts, to discussions, to partner/group work. Take home exercises are given for further learning or reflection outside of Circle.

02. When/Where Are IN PERSON Circles Held?

1005 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204

March  5, 6, 13, 19, 20, 27

April 2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 24, 30

May 1, 8, 14, 15, 22

6pm Mountain Std.

03. What is the commitment?

There is no commitment to Healing Circles.

You can stay for however long the program resonates with you and your journey.

Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time

04. what's included?

  • Two, 2 hour circles per month
  • Monthly community events with subscription
  • Exercises, lessons, and skills to grow your personal toolkit
  • Support, empowerment, connection & community from like-minded individuals
  • Private access to Healing Circles Instagram Group to connect outside of Circle
  • Early access and discounts to all Little Moon offerings

Upcoming Community Events: garden party, slumber party, picnic in the park, field trips and more.


The Women’s Healing Circles vision began with the dream to host an in person retreat to bring the virtual ladies together to meet in person. 

The first Women’s Healing Circle Retreat is tentatively being planned for Fall of 2024. This will be a weekend long retreat offered for both the virtual and in person Women’s Healing Circles.


Self-Love & Self-Wroth
Shadow Work
Attachment Styles
Healing Triggers
Overcoming Loneliness
Healing Relationships
Strengthening Self-Trust & Intuition
Forgiveness & Acceptance
Embracing Authenticity
Overcoming Heartbreak
Body Image
Limiting Beliefs
Overcoming Self Doubt
Healthy Communication
Healing Sisterhood Wounds
Understanding Yourself
Overcoming Narcissist Abuse
Feeling Your Feelings
Understanding Your Needs & Values


“Danielle naturally brings community together in a heart-felt and grounded way…”

Danielle naturally brings community together in a heart-felt and grounded way, creating a safe-space for everyone involved. I felt so connected to myself and the atmosphere during her circle and left feeling 10x more peaceful than when I had arrived. She is truly gifted and an incredible group leader!


Erin G.

“Danielle offers a wide range of topics that help with self-discovery, personal insight and development.”

Danielle is wonderful! The Little Moon Wellness healing groups have provided a safe and open space to connect with others.  It feels wonderful to be able to carve out that safe space throughout the month; a time to just be honest, imperfect and still okay. I am grateful for Little Moon Wellness, for Danielle’s openness and commitment to others. I highly recommend to any and all. 🙂




Cayla L.

“I feel so supported by Danielle and the other ladies in the group.”

I absolutely love starting my week with the Women’s Healing Circle! I feel so supported by Danielle and the other ladies in the group, and it’s so amazing to spend time connecting with people who “get it.” I’ve been using Little Moon Wellness’ services for over a year, and it has certainly changed my life for the better! I can’t imagine life without my bi-monthly women’s circles. I’m so happy I joined, and feel so lucky to be a part of this little community 🙂




Jordyn L.

It breaks my heart every time a woman shares a story about her feeling like she’s “too much…”

…where she analyzes what she said, how she said it, if she shared too much or came across as awkward or off-putting. 

Many of the women I work with share similar experiences, whether it’s in Circles or working one-on-one, and often my immediate thought is: “I would love to have a friend like you!”

Often we surround ourselves with people, places, and careers that are not in alignment with us. And we feel the criticism, lack of acceptance, or understanding of who we are and why we operate the way we do. 

And it feels like there’s something wrong with us. So, we mask to fit in or dim an entire part of our personality. 

One of the many things I’m so passionate about is creating environments where women feel seen, recognized, and appreciated for who they are… without this pressing need to be any different. 

And to connect them with other women who feel similarly and who would resonate with them. 

There is nothing wrong with you. 

You just may be in environment or surrounded by people who don’t support your vibrant and unique self. 

And all it may take is shifting who and what you surround yourself with to feel loved and appreciated for who you are. 


It has been a wonderful collection of women, created a safe space for me to talk about things I’ve had trouble sharing with others…”

I have been a member of her online Women’s Circle. It has been a wonderful collection of women, created a safe space for me to talk about things I’ve had trouble sharing with others, given me a sense of camaraderie and see that I’m not the only one going through stuff. Danielle holds the circle very well. She’s empathetic, supportive, inquisitive, playful.


Allison A.

“Little Moon Wellness is the most non-judgmental, open-minded, supportive place for women to be themselves.”

If something has lead you to checking out coaching with Danielle, you probably found her for a reason. Little Moon Wellness is the most non-judgmental, open-minded, supportive place for women to be themselves. If you can find the time and space, you won’t regret it. I am a licensed, practiced mental health therapist and Danielle continues to teach me new stuff every meeting with her and the other people in her support circles.




Mallory M.

“Continually supportive, and encouraging to take the next step into your next version of well-being.”

Oh my goodness. A healing space to be sure. Continually supportive, and encouraging to take the next step into your next version of well-being. Step by step into the light and lightness. ❤️








Tracey O.